Tips to Stay Hydrated at Work

You’ve probably been here before. Deadlines stacking up, constant meetings, rushing around all day. And by the end of the day, you realise you’ve only had 1 bottle of water.

This is a common problem. In fact, in a survey looking at 1000 office employees, only 23% of them were able to drink enough water during the day.

So why is it important and what can you do to make sure you’re drinking enough?

Why it’s important

You might think that being dehydrated at work isn’t that important. But as little as 1-2% dehydration can affect your short term memory, mood, attention, and decision making.

Because of this, being hydrated during work can help make sure you are getting more out of each day and feeling better while doing it.


Tip 1: Have a water bottle

This might seem like a no brainer, but if you’ve ever forgotten your water bottle you have probably realised that it is much harder to stay on top of your hydration.

You either have to buy water, or constantly go fill up small glasses.

Either way, having a water bottle with you is going to not only make it easier to have access to water, but will constantly remind you to drink.


Tip 2: Set Mental Reminders

Having an idea of how much water you should be drinking and noting your progress throughout the day is a great way to stay on track.

As a rule of thumb, 2L of water during work is a great target.

If we split this up, we can have a goal of having 1L of water before lunch, and 1L after.

This will not only help you stay on track, but will also help you spread out your water intake across the day.


Tip 3: Use Flavourings

Yes, plain water is going to be best. But sometimes plain water is boring.

Using flavourings or other drinks is a great way to naturally get more fluid in during the day.

A tip here is to use sugar free options or hydralyte instead of sugary flavourings like cordial.



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